2016 Year of the Monkey

Busy preparing for our flagship 2016 events.

2016 monkey year

Autumn Moon Festival Weekend

September 27 Update: Event has completed and was a huge success! Thanks for coming out and enjoying the festivities!

Saturday is the autumn moon festival in Brooklyn! The weather is calling for sunny skies in the mid-70s. It’ll be a great time for friends and family to come out and celebrate.

13th Autumn Moon Cultural Festival

Saturday September 26, 2015
12pm – 4pm

  • Brooklyn Bridge Park (Dumbo) Pier 1, Brooklyn, NY
    • by the Brooklyn Bridge & the New York Harbor


Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1

Our next event:

13th Autumn Moon Cultural Festival & Lantern Parade

Sunday October 18, 2015

  • Festival: Leif Ericson Park (65th-67th St, 8th  Ave, Brooklyn, NY)
    12pm – 4pm
  • Lantern Parade: 65th St to 51th St, on 8th Ave, Brooklyn, NY
    2pm – 3pm

Autumn Moon Festival Preparations

At Better Chinatown USA we’re busy preparing for the upcoming fall events. We’ll be organizing two events for the Autumn Moon festival in September and October.

We’re excited to announce our September 26, 2015 event at the new and beautiful Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1. This venue will provide ample space and a beautiful views for everyone attending.

Be sure to mark these events in your calendars and stay tuned for more details as we get closer.

Bklyn Bridge Park Pier 1

Autumn Moon Cultural Festival

Saturday September 26, 2015

  • Brooklyn Bridge Park (Dumbo) Pier 1, Brooklyn, NY
    • by the Brooklyn Bridge & the New York Harbor

Autumn Moon Cultural Festival & Lantern Parade

Sunday October 18, 2015

  • Festival: Leif Ericson Park (65th-67th St, 8th  Ave, Brooklyn, NY)
  • Lantern Parade: 65th St to 51th St, on 8th Ave, Brooklyn, NY

Thanks for coming out!

Thank you everyone for coming out and supporting the community through the Firecracker Ceremony and Lunar New Year Parade in Chinatown!

If you have photos you’d like to share with us, please upload using the forms below. (please credit your photos prior to upload.)

We appreciate the help and support of our volunteers. Both events were successful and hundreds of thousands of visitors came out to partake in the celebrations.

FYI, next year is Year of the Monkey. Chinese New Year & Firecracker Ceremony is Monday February 8th, 2016. The Lunar New Year Parade will be held on Sunday February 14th, 2016.

  • Firecracker Ceremony 2015 Photos

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  • Lunar New Year Parade 2015 Photos

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Parade Today!

Update 6:15pm: Thanks for coming out and supporting the community! I hope you had as great of a time as we did. The sun did come out as forecast and we had a beautiful sunny day for the parade! 

We hope everyone has a great healthy and prosperous New Year! 

If you have photos/videos you’d like to share with us, we will have a link up by the end of the week where you can upload and share. Thanks again!


Despite the snow and rain last night, the skies have cleared and the parade will go on as scheduled today!

1pm in New York City Manhattan Chinatown.

The forecast is temperatures up around the mid-40s and sun later.

Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 9.17.30 AM

Happy Lunar New Year 2015!

The Lunar New Year has finally arrived! Happy New Year!


Come out to New York City’s Chinatown on Thursday for the Firecracker Ceremony at Sara D Roosevelt Park on the corner of Christie and Grand Streets. Celebrations being at 11am.

Sunday we’ll have the big annual Lunar New Year Parade through Chinatown. Kick-off is at 1pm.

For best viewing, we suggest lining up on East Broadway and Eldridge streets. Mott Street will be the most crowded and difficult to navigate.

new york chinese new year parade route

One Month Away!

We are a mere one month away from the beginning of the Lunar New Year festivities in New York City’s Chinatown!

Year of the Goat falls on February 19th, 2015.

The Firecracker Ceremony is on Thursday, February 19th at 11am at Sara D. Roosevelt Park.

The Lunar New Year Parade through Chinatown is on Sunday, February 22nd, at 1pm.

Maps and details.

Let all of your friends and family know about the event and bring the whole family, friends, confetti, and lucky New Year trinkets! We wouldn’t mind if you dressed up as a goat neither! Baaa…

2015 Lunar New Year


Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! Better Chinatown USA wishes you and your family a joyful Holiday Season and safe & prosperous 2015!

Don’t forget to celebrate the Lunar New Year (Chinese Lunar New Year 4714) with us in February.

year of the goat 2015

If you are a member of the media or a professional photographer, please see the live links to request Press & Photographer Passes for the parade & firecracker festival.

We are also accepting last minute applications for sponsorship. If your company is interested in becoming a sponsor for the upcoming parade or firecracker event, please contact us ASAP.

Looking for other information not available on the web-site? Contact ctin@betterchinatown.com and we’ll try to get back to you soon.